I started my professional training in 1992, two months after graduating. Over the years I have supported and assisted my clients (families, private companies, public administrations and public bodies) in thousands of cases, many of which pro bono.

I have carried out teaching, seminar and training activities. I participated in the drafting of legislative and regulatory texts regarding administrative organisation, public tenders and public spending control tools.

I am author of numerous articles and specialist volumes.

2021Award from the Bar of Rome for 25 years of profession
Participation in the national college of lawyers involved in trials against regional acts closing public schools due to Covid 19
2014-2015Contract lecturer of Administrative Law at the Specialization School of Legal Professions of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Coordinator and member of the scientific committee of the Master in Social Design Business Management of the ISIA in Rome
2013As a fellow researcher, with the University of the Italian Switzerland, I carried out a research proposal on Public Service within the Call FP7-People-2013-IEF
2009Admission to the Italian Society of Administrative Lawyers
2008Admission to the special register of Supreme Court lawyers
1999-2000Assistance and seminar activities at the Chair of Administrative Law of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome
1997-2000Assistant Teacher of Administrative Law at the Academy of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome
1996Admission to the Rome Bar Association
1995Bar exam
1993-1998Assistant Teacher and seminar activities at the chairs of Public Law and Administrative Justice of the II University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
1992Graduation in Law, 110/110 cum laude, thesis on Immigration and citizenship
Start professional training
1985High school diploma

Other activities

2019Translation and editing of the book The Ice Route, sailing the Northwest Passage, by Olivier Pitras, Ultra sport
2015Publication of the book H. Emotional manual of rugby, Long runner, Ultra sport
2001Instructor training at the French Sailing Federation
1985-1995Participation as a non-professional player in the Italian Rugby championships
Languages Italian (mother tongue), English and French (advanced level)